The PH***T sealed hydraulic hand pumps are designed to pump hydraulic oil under pressure into 700bar(10,000psi) single acting hydraulic systems.
The Twin outlet ports enable the operator to control 2 hydraulic system independently or simultaneously, if both control valves are opened the pressure in both systems will be equal.
If one control valve only is opened and the pump is cycled this will increase the pressure in the system with the open valve only, If one valve only is open and the release valve is opened this will reduce the pressure in the system with the open valve only.
The twin port pumps are ideal for use with 2 spreading wedges or when lifting with 2 cylinders, allowing the operator to keep the load level.
All RenQuip PH series hand pumps are two stage and fitted with a sealed reservoir (please see description tab for the operational benefits)
It is important that the correct capacity of pump is selected for the system it is intended to operate.
- The PH300T has a reservoir capacity of 300cc
- The PH580T has a reservoir capacity of 5800cc
- The PH1100T has a reservoir capacity of 1100cc
The Pumps are supplied complete with hydraulic pressure gauges, gauge block and screw couplers.
The PH***S sealed hydraulic hand pumps are designed to pump hydraulic oil under pressure into 700bar(10,000psi) single acting hydraulic systems.
The Pumps are equipped with a single outlet port and a release valve. When the release valve is closed and the pump is cycled hydraulic oil is forced int to the hydraulic system under pressure – this may be a hydraulic lifting cylinder for example – further cycling of the pump will increase the pressure in the system until the maximum pressure is reached.
At maximum pressure an internal pressure relief valve will open, this prevents further cycling of the pump from increasing the system pressure.
The pressure will be held in the system untill the release valve is opened allowing the oil to return to the pump reservoir.
All RenQuip PH series hand pumps are two stage and fitted with a sealed reservoir. (please see description tab for the operational benefits)
It is important that the correct capacity of pump is selected for the system it is intended to operate.
- The PH300S has a reservoir capacity of 300cc
- The PH580S has a reservoir capacity of 5800cc
- The PH1100S has a reservoir capacity of 1100cc
The Pumps are supplied complete with hydraulic pressure gauges, gauge block and screw couplers.
The PH***D sealed hydraulic hand pumps are designed to pump hydraulic oil under pressure into 700bar(10,000psi) Double Acting hydraulic systems.
The pumps are equipped with an advance port and a retract port, moving the lever to the advance position and cycling the pump will oil to flow from the pump through the advance port under pressure and oil to return to the reservoir through the return port.
Moving the control lever to the retract position and cycling the pump will allow oil to flow from the pump through the retract port under pressure and oil to return to the reservoir through the advance port.
When the control lever is set to the middle position both ports allow oil to flow back to the pump reservoir and the system will be depressurised.
All RenQuip PH series hand pumps are two stage and fitted with a sealed reservoir (please see description tab for the operational benefits)
It is important that the correct capacity of pump is selected for the system it is intended to operate.
- The PH300D has a reservoir capacity of 300cc
- The PH580D has a reservoir capacity of 5800cc
- The PH1100D has a reservoir capacity of 1100cc
The Pumps are supplied complete with hydraulic pressure gauges, gauge block and screw couplers.